
Reflection, Part 1
Airdate: August 12, 2005
Kat and Boom are testing the new Battlizer program. |
Meanwhile, the Rangers are enjoying their day off in the park. |
Their day of rest and relaxation are brought to a hault as an old face appears. It's Rhynix. |
The Rangers morph into action to take down the enemy once again. |
After a series of other captured monsters appear, Kat checks the containment cards to discover they're still captured. |
When Kat tells Sky that a new upgrade would only be available for the Red Ranger, Sky shares with Jack his dream of being a Red Ranger like his father. |
Commander Cruger sends Sky on an important mission to gain information from a prisoner named Mirloc. |
Sky arrives in a maximum security prison on Gamma Orion to confront Mirloc. He is told to cover all reflective surfaces so Mirloc can't escape. |
Mirloc provides information, but at a price. A copycat criminal named Slate is using other criminals' DNA to mimic them. |
Back at Delta Base, the Rangers are alerted to the return of Sinuku. |
The Rangers show up on the scene to confront the copycat, when Slate reveals his true form. |
Slate is aquiring DNA of past criminals from Broodwing, the latest of which is Devastation. |
Gruumm watches and isn't happy that Broodwing didn't run this plan by him, but decides to go along with it and sends Morgana to Earth. |
The Rangers unite together and are able to defeat Slate with their weapons. |
Slate calls forth a giant robot and Rangers assemble the Delta Squad Megazord to stop it. |
Just as the Rangers are about to contain Slate, Morgana appears with a trick up her sleeve. |
She uses her power to clone Slate into all six of his past monster forms. |
The Shadow Ranger arrives on the scene to help the Rangers and try to stop Morgana. |
Morgana and her monsters overpower and take down the Power Rangers. |
Jack activates the new S.P.D. Battlizer to stand up against Morgana's threat. |
Using R.I.C. as his armor, the Red Ranger uses the Battlizer to finish them off in a firey blaze. |
Back on Gamma Orion, Sky delivers on his deal with Mirloc who forces him to tell of his most tragic story. |
His father was also the Red Ranger who faught to protect those around him. |
Until one day, he sacrificed his life for the chance to protect others. |
Sky is filled with sadness over the loss of his father and Mirloc simply laughs at his story. Sky is deeply hurt and sheds a tear. |
Mirloc uses Sky's tear to reflect through and escape. Sky watches in horror as he realizes what has happened. |
Comments: |
- This is the introduction of the S.P.D. Battlizer. It has two modes - Cyber Mode and Sonic Mode. R.I.C. becomes the armor for the Battlizer.
- The Battlized Morpher used to activate the Battlizer is a repainted Omega Morpher, which does suggest that Kat used Omega's technology to assist her in developing it.
- Speaking of the Omega Ranger, Sam was nowhere to be seen this week. The Rangers said that he was on an away mission.
- Sky's dad once again is seen wearing the Red Time Force Ranger costume. Although the executive producer says this isn't Wes, this does infer that Bio-Labs must have been involved in the creation of S.P.D.
- The sadness portrayed by Sky about the loss of his father was well done. One of this season's better episodes for sure.
- Mirloc does a nice portrayal of Hannibal Lecter.