
Airdate: November 04, 2005

Mora is terrified by what she sees in the forbidden chamber.   Doggie wonders if he wouldn't have sent the A-Squad out if they would've defeated Gruumm by now.

The B-Squad Rangers overhear the conversation and feel as if they let Cruger down.   Z finds Jack sitting in the dark feeling that he has failed the team as a leader.

Z and Jack remember where they started off - on the streets playing Robin Hood for the homeless.   But when the time came to prove themselves, Jack and Z showed themselves to be worthy of becoming Power Rangers.

Sky enters and assures them that it's his fault that they haven't defeated Gruumm yet.   Sky was so obsessed with being the Red Ranger and being like his father, but he eventually came through for the team.

Bridge shows up eating a cupcake, and insists that he always does so when he's responsible for the end of the world.   Bridge may have been weird at times, but his unique thinking has come through on many occasions.

Jack, Z, and Sky express how Bridge's unique way of thinking has affected them as a team.   Who's fault could it be then? Syd has decided that it must be her fault.

Syd recalls that she's been so spoiled in the past and that had she not been thinking about herself, the Rangers might have defeated Gruumm by now.   But the other Rangers remind her that she too has come through for them when they needed her. She has taught them all how to be better Rangers.

The Rangers decide that they've all let Cruger down in their own way.   Perhaps that's why Cruger became the Shadow Ranger to take matters into this own hands.

Meanwhile aboard the Terror, Gruumm returns Mora to the chamber as the Magnificence cannot be denied.   Mora enters the chamber and finds herself confronted by the all powerful Magnificence.

The Rangers try to figure out why Gruumm hasn't destroyed Earth yet like he did with Alandia.   Since arriving on Earth, Gruumm has been stealing its resources - including diamonds.

Gruumm has also stolen gold from World's Gold Depository.   While the Rangers were in Japan, the Krybots invaded the Newtech City Iridium Plant.

The Rangers realize that if Gruumm got his hands on a piece of the meteor that Jack blew up, he'd have just what he needs to build some kind of weapon.   Not without some kind of synthasizing agent to bring it all together. That's when they remember Hemotech Synthetic Plasma.

The Rangers report their findings to Cruger, and he agrees that something needs to be done and congradulates them for not falling into Gruumm's hands.   Mora vows her alliegence to the great and powerful Magnificence - Omni.

  • With very few episodes to go, the face of the Magnificence is finally revealed.
  • Jack seems well informed of how to build a giant weapon for someone who grew up on the streets.
  • Doggie concludes that the B-Squad Rangers have proven themselves by not falling into Gruumm's hands like the A-Squad. However, he didn't send them to the front line of an invasion, now did he?
  • This episode makes it obvious how little character focus most of the Rangers had this season. The Omega Ranger isn't even mentioned.