
Airdate: November 04, 2005
Mora is terrified by what she sees in the forbidden chamber. |
Doggie wonders if he wouldn't have sent the A-Squad out if they would've defeated Gruumm by now. |
The B-Squad Rangers overhear the conversation and feel as if they let Cruger down. |
Z finds Jack sitting in the dark feeling that he has failed the team as a leader. |
Z and Jack remember where they started off - on the streets playing Robin Hood for the homeless. |
But when the time came to prove themselves, Jack and Z showed themselves to be worthy of becoming Power Rangers. |
Sky enters and assures them that it's his fault that they haven't defeated Gruumm yet. |
Sky was so obsessed with being the Red Ranger and being like his father, but he eventually came through for the team. |
Bridge shows up eating a cupcake, and insists that he always does so when he's responsible for the end of the world. |
Bridge may have been weird at times, but his unique thinking has come through on many occasions. |
Jack, Z, and Sky express how Bridge's unique way of thinking has affected them as a team. |
Who's fault could it be then? Syd has decided that it must be her fault. |
Syd recalls that she's been so spoiled in the past and that had she not been thinking about herself, the Rangers might have defeated Gruumm by now. |
But the other Rangers remind her that she too has come through for them when they needed her. She has taught them all how to be better Rangers. |
The Rangers decide that they've all let Cruger down in their own way. |
Perhaps that's why Cruger became the Shadow Ranger to take matters into this own hands. |
Meanwhile aboard the Terror, Gruumm returns Mora to the chamber as the Magnificence cannot be denied. |
Mora enters the chamber and finds herself confronted by the all powerful Magnificence. |
The Rangers try to figure out why Gruumm hasn't destroyed Earth yet like he did with Alandia. |
Since arriving on Earth, Gruumm has been stealing its resources - including diamonds. |
Gruumm has also stolen gold from World's Gold Depository. |
While the Rangers were in Japan, the Krybots invaded the Newtech City Iridium Plant. |
The Rangers realize that if Gruumm got his hands on a piece of the meteor that Jack blew up, he'd have just what he needs to build some kind of weapon. |
Not without some kind of synthasizing agent to bring it all together. That's when they remember Hemotech Synthetic Plasma. |
The Rangers report their findings to Cruger, and he agrees that something needs to be done and congradulates them for not falling into Gruumm's hands. |
Mora vows her alliegence to the great and powerful Magnificence - Omni. |
Comments: |
- With very few episodes to go, the face of the Magnificence is finally revealed.
- Jack seems well informed of how to build a giant weapon for someone who grew up on the streets.
- Doggie concludes that the B-Squad Rangers have proven themselves by not falling into Gruumm's hands like the A-Squad. However, he didn't send them to the front line of an invasion, now did he?
- This episode makes it obvious how little character focus most of the Rangers had this season. The Omega Ranger isn't even mentioned.