
Airdate: October 28, 2005
Jack tries to escape, but Doggie reminds him that his civilian powers have been neutralized. |
Piggy questions his actions in betraying the Rangers and gets an unsettling sign from above which destroys his cafe. |
All of the cadets are called to the Command Center to discuss their current situation. |
Boom rallies the troops and convinces them that they must stay and fight for the Power Rangers. |
The Krybots are ordered by Omni to execute the Rangers as they are no longer needed. |
Unsuspectingly, Piggy comes to their rescue and gets them back their Morphers as well. |
Doggie orders the B-Squad to return to Earth while he stops Gruumm once and for all. |
On the way to Gruumm, the Shadow Ranger faces off against Mora and contains her. |
Gruumm reveals to Isinia that the Terror is transforming into the body for Omni. |
Cruger faces off against Gruumm on a narrow bridge. |
Gruumm threatens to let Isinia plunge into the lava pit below. |
Meanwhile as the cadets fight the Troobians, the Omega Ranger is rescued by the Nova Ranger - an old friend from the future. |
Omni's transformation is complete and launches an attack on Newtech City. |
Cruger rescues Isinia and knocks Gruumm over the edge. Gruumm refuses to be taken in and plunges himself into the lava. |
S.P.D. has sent some reinforcements from Galaxy Command - including Supreme Commander Birdie and Sergent Silverback. |
The Rangers form the S.W.A.T. Megazord to battle Omni, but seem to be no match against his power. |
Meanwhile, Cruger and Isinia risk their lives as they open the hatch to engine room in order to allow the S.W.A.T. Megazord to overload it. |
All of Space Patrol Delta rejoices at the Power Rangers' victory. |
The S.W.A.T. Megazord poses in front of the Delta Base. |
The Rangers look amongst the rubble of the Terror to find that Doggie and Isinia made it out just in time. |
Doggie soon realizes that Gruumm has survived as well and the two of the duke it out one last time. |
S.P.D. rejoices as Doggie finally contains Gruumm. |
Since Jack has decided to follow his own path and leave S.P.D., Cruger promotes Sky to Red Ranger. |
Nova and Sam say their goodbyes and return to the future. |
The Rangers go to visit Jack who has started a business with Ally and Piggy to give away clothes to the homeless. |
The Rangers recieve a call and once again prepare for action. "S.P.D. Emergency!" |
Comments: |
- Gruumm's ship becomes the body for Omni.
- The Nova Ranger comes from the future saying that she's been looking all over the timeline for Sam. She and Sam seem to be old friends.
- Most of the battle between the S.W.A.T. Megazord and Omni are original Zord footage.
- The way Omni was taken out was really underwhelming.
- Jack returns to helping people out on the streets only this time legally.
- Sky is promoted to Red Ranger and Bridge is promoted to Blue Ranger respectively. Cruger seems to have been promoted to Sumpreme Commander.
- The ending scene, the Rangers just morph without answering their Morphers. They don't even know what the message was about.
- We finally see Sam's human form for a whole split second.
- The voice of the Nova Ranger is Antonia Prebble the actress that played Krista in Dino Thunder's "The Passion of Conner" and "Thunder Struck, Part 2".
- Shadow Ranger takes out about ten monsters in a row when Mora begins releasing them. Most monsters usually take an entire team o defeat, but he is able to defeat them all in a matter of a few sword strikes.
- The A-Squad aren't even mentioned in this episode.