Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2010 - Winter 09 Toys

* Appeared in the series
* Only Toy, not in show
* Another version
* Repaint/Repackaged
Armored Figures


* [31301-31306] 4" Power Ranger Figures - Red, Green, Black, Blue, Yellow and Pink Rangers come with attachable gold wings an claws. Each figure comes with Blade Blaster and individual weapon. The wings come with mild light.

* [31308-31318] Articulated Figures - Alpha 5 & Zordon, Goldar, and Putty Patrol figures. Goldar figure comes with detachable wings and sword. Putty comes with Power Cannon and Blade Blaster/Thunder Slinger combo. Alpha 5 comes with Zordon head in tube.

[31341-31346] Mix & Morph Figures - Mighty Morphin Red Ranger & Megazord not pictured. Ranger Black & High Octane Megazord, Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger & Dragonzord Battle Mode, Wolf Ranger & Jungle Pride Megazord, Mystic Force Yellow Ranger & Titan Megazord, and Mercury Ranger & DriveMax Megazord. You can mix and match the legs and arms.

* [31406] Mix & Morph Base - Comes with Green Ranger figure and transulcent Red Ranger figure with Power Morpher. The black sparkly Power Morpher has a molded-in dragon coin. Also comes with a figure key and hook lock attachment.

Armored Figures

* [31321-31324] 4" Action Rangers - Action Red, Green, Blue and Black Rangers with armor, weapons and action feature. Blue not pictured.

* [31331-31334] Morphin Power Rangers - Action Red, Green, Blue and Black Rangers transform into dragons.


* [31391] Blade Blaster - Small role play weapon. It is in the correct colors as the original 1993 toy had black where this has white & blue, the correct colors. * [31106] Dragon Dagger - The Green Ranger's weapon that is used to call forth the Dragonzord! [Smaller than original 1993 toy]

* [31401] Deluxe Dragon Dagger - Deluxe version of Green Ranger's weapon that comes out with a green tube-like saber.


* [31351-310354] Cycles with 4" Figures- Red, Black, Green, and Blue. Ranger figure comes with cycle inspired by their unique dino zord. Can combine with Morphin Racer to make a Megazord, also can be done with the Zord Vehicles and Morphin Racer. The Cycles can also replace parts on the deluxe Megazord.

* [31366-31369] Zord Vehicles - Red, Blue, Black, and Yellow. Zord vehicles come with Ranger figure, Yellow comes with Green Ranger figure. Can combine with the cycles and Morphin Racer to become a Megazord. One Zord Vehicle can also make a sidecar for the cycle. It can also replace parts on the deluxe Megazord.

* [31361] Red Morphin Racer - Comes with Red Ranger figure an can morph together with two Cycles to become a unique Megazord. Can also combine with two cycles an two Zord Vehicles to become another Megazord.


* [31476] Deluxe Dino Megazord Tyrannosaurus, Pteradactyl, Triceratops, Mastadon and Sabertooth Tiger Dino zords combine to create the legendary Megazord. A bit smaller than the original 1993 version.


* Mighty Morphin Figure Set - Figure set comes with simplified 4 inch figures of Pink, Red, Blue, and Green Ranger figures with Lord Zedd and indiviual weapons. No coloring in the back of each figure, except for the dragon shield. Exclusively sold at Wal-Mart, another silver-diamond version sold in Toys R Us.

* Red Ranger Training Set - Become a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers hero with this cool gear! This role play set includes a Power Ranger mask, 2 weapons, morphin' belt, Ranger coin, and Megazord target plate. All the gear kids need to morph into a the Red Ranger!

* 2" Collectable Figure Sets - Each set comes with two figures in action poses, Red & Black; Blue & Alpha 5; Yellow & Green; and Pink & Lord Zedd. All eight figures are also avaliable in Go Go Power Rangers Set , exclusively sold at Toys R Us.

* Ranger Adventure Set - This starter set allows you to play with the Power Rangers, defend the Earth against evil with a team of Red, Black, Blue & transparent Yellow Rangers and 1 Megazord.