Power Rangers Ninja Storm - Spring Toys
* Appeared in the series
* Toy form only
* Has Japanese counterpart
* Only One or three appeared in the series
* Another version
* Repaint |
* [ 10401 - 10409] 5" Ninja Flash Power Rangers - Blue Wind, Yellow Wind, Crimson Thunder, Navy Thunder, Red Wind, Green Samurai, Zurgane, Kelzak, and Kelzak Fury. Each Ranger comes with a glider, only the Wind Rangers have them on the show. Their weapons combine together. Kelzak Fury included Hurricanger's Manmaruba (Motordrone's counterpart's infant form). |
** [10541-10542] Wind Morpher and Thunder Morpher- Switch the discs, come with light and sounds. Wind Morpher comes with Red, Yellow, and Blue. Thunder Morpher comes with Crimson and Navy horn tops and discs. |
** [10551] Ninja Sword |
** [10481] Storm Power Megazord -Three zords combine to make megazord, comes with Power Sphere #1 Serpent Sword. ** [10486] Storm Lightning Megazord -Comes with Power Sphere Launcher and Power Sphere #5 Lion Laser and #6 un-named squid. The Megazord and the Power Spheres were sold seperately in Japan. The two spheres came together in a set. |
** [10487] Ninjakon: The Lightning Megazord -Repainted Ninjor comes with Power Sphere #2 Ram Hammer and #3 Turtle Mace and Power Sphere Launcher. Ninjakon did not appear in the show.
** Power Spheres: The two were sold in a set in Japan. |
* [10421-10423] 5" Action Megazord - Storm, Thunder, and Thunderstorm. |
* [10451-10453] Wind Tsunami Cycles -Red, Yellow, and Blue, weapon attaches on bottom of front of bike unlike the show. Comes with bottom glider.
** [10454-10455] Thunder Tsunami Cycles -Crimson and Navy. The Japanese version was slightly different.
* [10456] Green Samurai Tsunami Cycle |
* [10441-10444] Triple Zord Morphin Power Ranger - Red Wind-Serpent Sword, Yellow Wind-Lion Laser, Navy Thunder-Turtle Mace, and Crimson Thunder-Spin Blade. |
* [10427, 10431-10434] Tri- Battlized Power Ranger -
Red, Yellow, Crimson, Navy, and Storm Megazord. |
* [10501-10505] 12" Talking Ninja Power Rangers - Each figure has inaccurate white-skinned ranger faces. Green not pictured, Green just has flip-helmet action. |
* [10466] Tornatrex Ninja Typhoon Cycle - Includes Red and Yellow Wind Rangers.
** [10469] Stormtrek Attack Cruiser - Includes Crimson Thunder figure (model from Tsunami Cycle). Re-package of the Lost Galaxy Galactic Speeder. |
[10566-10571] Action Racers |
[10321] Wind Academy Pack - The three Wind Rangers with a red glider. |
* [91111] Jumbo Storm Megazord |
* [91211] Ninja Training Playset - Choobo, Kelzak, Storm Megazord, Serpent Sword, Wind Rangers, Lion Zord, and Red Wind Glider. |
* [91212] Thunder Academy Playset - Thunder Rangers, Zurgane, Kelzak Fury, Mini Zord, Crimson Tsumani Cycle, Thunder Megazord, and Crimson Insectizord |
* * [10555] Ninja Sword Gold Edition |