In Countdown to Destruction, Zordon's energy wave purged the universe of evil. So why, in later series, are there evil beings?
Seeing as how much evil remains in the universe, and how Zordon never even said that his energy would destroy all evil in the universe, it can be concluded that the energy wave only destroyed the forces attacking the universe at the time.
There is some argument as to the exact location of Mirinoi, and the origin of Scorpius and Trakeena. Was Mirinoi in the Lost Galaxy? Are Scorpius and Trakeena from the Lost Galaxy?
Although there is not enough information to definitively conclude whether Mirinoi was in the Lost Galaxy or not, these two theories incorporate all evidence, and present no inconsistencies:
Theory A
In the Lost Galaxy, Scorpius and his minions attack a planet called Mirinoi. Portals open near Earth, allowing the Rangers to go to Mirinoi and bring back Maya and the Quasar Sabers. Magna Defender and the Scorpion Stinger soon followed, also entering our galaxy through portals. The portals soon closed, and Terra Venture continued its journey while the Scorpion Stinger followed it, plotting against the Rangers. The crew of the Scorpion Stinger are from our galaxy, but they became trapped in the Lost Galaxy, explaining Trakeena's knowledge of Astronema.
The Galaxy Book from the alien ship was brought to Terra Venture by Leo. Deviot eventually got a hold of it, and transported Terra Venture into the Lost Galaxy. Trakeena dared not re-enter it, for fear of becoming trapped in it again. Her crew, not being from the Lost Galaxy, refer to it as the most mysterious place in the universe from which no one could escape. The Galaxy Book was used to bring Terra Venture back into our galaxy. In doing so, another portal brought the planet Mirinoi into our galaxy as well, placing it in an identical orbit around an identical sun in another solar system. Terra Venture crashed on one of Mirinoi's moons, and the inhabitants evacuated and fled to Mirinoi, where they populated it as the new world.
Theory B
Far away from Earth, Scorpius and his minions attack a planet called Mirinoi. Portals open near Earth, allowing the Rangers to go to Mirinoi and bring back Maya and the Quasar Sabers. Magna Defender and the Scorpion Stinger soon followed, also entering our part of the galaxy through portals. The portals soon closed, and Terra Venture continued its journey while the Scorpion Stinger followed it, plotting against the Rangers.
The Galaxy Book from the alien ship was brought to Terra Venture by Leo. Deviot eventually got a hold of it, and transported Terra Venture into the Lost Galaxy. Trakeena dared not enter the Lost Galaxy, her crew describing it as the most mysterious place in the universe from which no one could escape. The Galaxy Book was used to bring Terra Venture back into our galaxy. The space station emerged near the location of Mirinoi, from where the Scorpion Stinger had originally been transported near Earth. Terra Venture crashed on one of Mirinoi's moons, and the inhabitants evacuated and fled to Mirinoi, where they populated it as the new world.
What happened to the Zeo Crystal? Are they related to the Turbo Powers?
There is no evidence to suggest that the Zeo Crystal was the basis for the Turbo Powers. Any theory proposing this is purely speculative. The appearance of both Red Zeo and Turbo Rangers in Forever Red strongly suggests that there was no connection between the powers.
There was no real closure as to the final fate of the Ninja Zords and the Shogun Zords. Where exactly are they?
In A Zeo Beginning, Tommy stated the following: "Now that Ninjor is back at the temple, and the Zords are gone, we're gonna need help."
This is the only mention ever made as to what happened to the Ninja and Shogun Zords. How exactly they came to be "gone" is a matter of speculation, but presumably it had something to do with Master Vile's manipulation of time. Whatever the case, the Zords are clearly inaccessible, whether they are operational or not.
Was there a relation between Divatox and Dimitria?
There were very strong suggestions for concluding that Dimitria and Divatox were indeed sisters - being played by the same actress, the focus on their rivalry, the fact that Dimitria's sister was missing, and finally, Divatox's resemblance to Dimitria after being purified. Although it cannot be definitively proven, it seems safe to assume that they were sisters. It is clearly the direction that arc was going, and nothing contradicts it.
What has become of Dragonzord? Should he still be useable?
Dragonzord draws its power from the Dragon Coin. Not mecessarily continuously, but recharges from it. A fully charged Dragonzord can run on his own regardless of whether there's an active power source, and can be controlled by whoever has the Dragon Dagger. However, if the Dragon Coin were to become utterly destroyed, Dragonzord would eventually run out of power and become forever inoperable. Supporting quote:
Kimberly: What about Tommy? Will his DragonZord be able to go through another fight?
Zordon: The DragonZord must now conserve what energy it has left. Just as Tommy's powers periodically fail him, so it shall be with the DragonZord.
How did Adam morph in Always a Chance ?
Adam used the Mastodon Power Coin, which was never shown to be destroyed. It was his Ninja Power Coin which was destroyed by Goldar. The coin was shown in the Morpher, with damage, and apparently had enough energy to sustain another morph.
When did Lost Galaxy take place?
Each series took place in the year it aired. There is nothing to contradict this.
How did the Red Rangers get their powers back in Forever Red ?
It doesn't matter. The intention of Forever Red was not to nitpick and ask these kinds of questions, but to give us a great episode featuring every Red Ranger. Rangers have lost and regained powers before. There's no reason not to beleive it could happen again. The fact stands that they did have their powers, so obviously something did happen, and we didn't see it.