Power Rangers Lost Galaxy - Fall Toys

* Appeared in the series
* Toy form only
* Has Japanese counterpart
* Only one appeared in the series
* Another version
* Repaint/Repackage


* [4258-2459] 5 1/2" Centaurus and Stratoforce Megazords - with action features
* [4365] Magna Rotator - battery operated vehicle, figure included
* [4298] Zenith Micro Playset - includes 2 figures and 5 Zords.
** [4376] Quasar Launcher - transforms from staff to bazooka.

* [4351-4356] Jet Jammers - 6 vehicles with figures in powered-up mode.

** * [4391-4396] Capsular Cycles - 4 freewheeling cycles with figures, which can be enclosed within.

* * [4311-4314] Armored Power Rangers - techno armor and weaponry transforms into vehicle type modes. Magna Defender not pictured.
** [4370-4371] Deluxe Centaurus and Stratoforce Megazords - 2 sets of 5 land and air vehicles combine into robots.

* [4331-4336] Blasting Power Rangers - each comes with a massive weapon and action feature.
* [4361-4364] Galactic Speeders - splits into two vehicles, each capable of holding a Ranger figure.

** [4377] Magna Blaster - The Magna Defender's personal weapon that flips from a sword to laser.
* [ 4341-4343] 10" Auto Morphin Power Rangers - Green, Red, and Blue

* [4321-4326] Explorer Power Rangers - 4-inch figures with removeable armor.

* [4299] Centaurus Megazord Micro Playset - includes Red Ranger and Jet Jammer.

** [4372] Deluxe Zenith Carrier Zord - includes 10 micro-sized Zords

* [4373] Deluxe Charging Galaxy Megazord
* * [4348]Deluxe Super Galactic Megazord-Repackaged and renamed Super Zeo Megazord.

* [ 4347] Astro Galactic Megazord - Repackaged and renamed Black and Gold Astro Megazord. The Astro Megazord did appear on the show but was not this color or renamed.

* [4344] Talking Silver Ranger Deluxe Set - Repackaged Silver Ranger and Digimorpher.

Not pictured:
  • Deluxe Gold Galaxy Megazord