
Robo Red Zord
Robo Red Zord
The Robo Red Zord is Ninja Steel Red's personal Zord, who looks like his companion Redbot. The Robo Red Zord has a variety of different ninjutsu techniques at its disposal, allowing it to create hidden traps or passages or deploy an invisibility cloth to mask his presence. It is also extremely nimble and fast, allowing it to move and attack at great speeds, run up the side of buildings, and be agile enough to leap-frog over enemies.

The Robo Red Zord forms the control unit in the Ninja Steel Megazord's default combination and if needed, can temporarily separate from the formation to surprise attack the opponent. When other Zords take over its position in the Ninja Steel Megazord's cockpit, Robo Red Zord can become the new formation's left or right arm. In its first appearance, it's seen behind a building-sized rotating panel.

Dragon Zord
Dragon Zord
The Dragon Zord is Ninja Steel Blue's European dragon-themed Zord which can both fly and breathe flames in its attack. It is inspired by Preston's dragon suit and his penchant for magic. When piloting the Dragon Zord, the Blue Ranger mounts himself just behind its head.

When forming the Ninja Steel Megazord, the Dragon Zord becomes the left arm, with its tail becoming the sword and its wings combining into the shield. When forming the Ninja Steel Megazord Dragon Formation, it switches places with the Robo Red Zord, becoming the new control unit while its tail and wings attach to the Megazord.

Nitro Zord
Nitro Zord
The Nitro Zord is Ninja Steel Yellow's personal dump truck-themed Zord. The Zord is equipped with a pair of manipulator arms at the rear end of its bucket which it uses to toss its caltrops at its opponent's feet to make them stumble.

It can also carry a payload of boulders in its bucket which its manipulators can throw at the opponent or perform a team attack with the Ninja Steel Yellow Ranger where it spins around with the Yellow Ranger holding onto one of its manipulators before tossing him into the opponent. For a defensive method, the Zord can initiate an attack where it lifts up a corner of the ground that turns into a piece of tatami floor before returning to normal.

When forming the Ninja Steel Megazord, the Nitro Zord becomes the torso, right arm, and cockpit for the control unit. When an auxiliary Zord takes Robo Red Zord's place in other Ninja Steel Megazord formations, the Zord arm will be swapped with the Robo Red Zord, with the said right arm being stored on the Ninja Steel Megazord's back. However, if the Robo Red Zord is occupied with his own problem, the said extra arm would take his place.

Zoom Zord
Zoom Zord
The Zoom Zord is Ninja Steel Pink's magnetic levitation train-themed Zord, patterned somewhat after her hoverboard. The Zord attacks by manifesting the Power Stars from its visor and launching them at the enemy. It can also travel upside down in order to bypass obstacles. It also carries the White Ranger's Kodiak Zord into battle which it deploys from its anterior section, making it an arguable carrier Zord.

As the Ninja Steel Megazord, the Zoom Zord forms the legs and hips.

Kodiak Zord
Kodiak Zord
The Kodiak Zord is Ninja Steel White's dog-themed Zord, which looks like her dog Kody. The Kodiak Zord can attack with the throwing dagger that it holds in its mouth and can also emit high-frequency howls. Unlike the other Zords, which emerge from hiding places when summoned, the Kodiak Zord emerges from the Zoom Zord's back portion.

During the Ninja Steel Megazord formation, the Kodiak Zord forms the left shin.