Power Rangers S.P.D. - Fall Toys
* Appeared in the series
* Toy form only
* Has Japanese counterpart
* Only one or most appeared in the series
* Another version
* Repaint
* Picture provided by Linear Ranger |
* [20013 - 20020] 5" Sound Patrol Rangers - Yellow, Shadow, Green, Blue, Omega, Pink, and Red all in Swat Mode with sounds. Each comes except for Omega and Shadow with Delta Enforcer and DeltaMax Striker. Broodwing (purple body) is packaged as 'Evil Space Alien'. Pink and Yellow only has sound effects, no voice. |
** [20123] Omega Morpher - Twist and fold handle with lights and sounds and wrist brace (black or blue).
* *[91261] Soft Attack Delta R.I.C. Striker - Battelized Red Ranger's weapon. |
** [20087] Omega Megazord - Bike mode to Megazord mode. It combines with Delta Megazord.
*** [90376] Delta Command Megazord - Opens up and fits the Delta Runners. Converts to mobile zord or base. Huge box. |
** [20088] Supreme Megazord - (S.W.A.T. Megazord) Comes with five zords and two weapons. |
* [ 20055 -20058] Uni-Force Cycle - Omega, Red, and Blue. The Omega or Red Unicycle can combine with the other Patrol Cycles. The Blue Uni-Force Cycle resembles like the original DekaBlue bike. The Uni-Force Cycle design is from Dekaranger. |
* [ 20068-20069] Delta Morph ATV - Omega and Shadow. Each ATV can transform into a jet. The Delta ATVs can also combine with the SPD Patrol Cycles to form bigger and cooler vehicles. |
* [20021, 20022, 20035, 20036 ] Deluxe Battlized Power Rangers - Red, Omega, Shadow, and Blue. |
* [20045-20047] Mega Morphin Power Rangers - Red becomes the orange Delta Command Megazord vehicle mode. Omega Ranger becomes Omega Megazord bike mode. Another Red becomes the S.W.A.T. Megazord. Shadow Ranger becomes White Delta Command Megazord. |
* *[20114] Mighty Battlized Omega Power Ranger |
* [20105-20108] 12" Talking Power Rangers-Red, Blue, and Shadow in Swat Mode and Omega Ranger |
** [90271] S.P.D. Ultimate Role Play Set - Red glove with Battelizer, Shadow Saber, Badge, Omega Morpher and a Delta Blaster.
* [20096] Delta Enforcer - Comes with cards and fires missiles, grappling hook and electricity piece. The Japanese version is more like the series and comes with Swat Mode gear. |
* [20081] Power Rangers Mobile Control Cent er/S.W.A.T. Command Truck - Fits Patrol Cycles and Megazords and launches Power Ranger figures. Includes Swat Mode Red Ranger figure and amber and turquoise Broodwing (Krybot with customized top). |
* [20076] Delta Police Cruiser - Fits the Power Ranger figures, does not include any. ** [90256] Mega Patrol Cycle With Red Ranger - Trend started with Ninja Storm. In fact, it is a repaint of the Ninja Storm bike. |
[91262]Power Rangers Adventure Set - Includes S.W.A.T. Red, S.W.A.T. Blue, Omega Ranger, Orange Troobian, Orange Kyrbot, Blue Patrol Cycle, and Delta Max Megazord. |
Non-scheduled Bonus :