Green with Evil, Part 5
Airdate: October 09, 1993
Rita Repulsa and her henchmen celebrate the defeat of the Power Rangers. |
Alpha 5 convinces the Rangers not to give up. |
At the Youth Center, the news report shows Goldar's recent attack on the city. |
Kimberly confronts Tommy about being the Green Ranger, but Tommy vows that he will destroy her and the others. |
Meanwhile, Rita calls forth the Dragonzord for the Green Ranger to command. |
The Dragonzord rises from the depths of Angel Grove lake. |
The Green Ranger stands on top of the Dragonzord and unleashes it on the city. |
The other Rangers are alerted to the attack and morph into action. |
The Rangers rush in to defend the city from the Dragonzord. |
The Green Ranger uses his new Dragon Dagger as a flute to control the Dragonzord remotely. |
Meanwhile, Alpha 5 finally brings back Zordon, who alerts the Rangers that they must destroy the Sword of Darkness to break the Rita's spell. |
Zordon activates the Rangers' Power Coins and revives the Dinozords. |
The Red Ranger confronts the Dragonzord with the Tyrannosaurus. |
The Rangers form the Megazord to take down the Dragonzord. |
The Megazord picks up the Dragonzord by its tail and tosses it into some mountains. |
The Red Ranger jumps to the ground to confront the Green Ranger. |
The Red Ranger catches the Green Ranger offguard. |
He uses his Blade Blaster to destroy the Sword of Darkness. |
Tommy is released from Rita's spell and Jason comes rushing to his side. "What have I done?" Tommy replies. |
Jason and the other Rangers convince Tommy to join them in the battle against evil. |
Zordon tells the Rangers to morph and call forth their Dinozords. |
All six Power Rangers are finally united. |
Zordon informs the Rangers to combine the Sabertoothed Tiger, Triceratops, and Mastodon with the Dragonzord to create the Dragonzord in Fighting Mode. |
Rita is enraged at yet another failure and that the Green Ranger has joined the side of good. Goldar promises they will all pay. |
Later at the Command Center, Zordon and other Rangers welcome Tommy to the team. |
All six Rangers put their hands together and jump into the air as they shout, "Power Rangers!" |
Comments: |
- How did they get news footage of Rita inside the Moon Palace?
- When the Dragonzord gets thrown to the ground, Tommy calls out "No way!", but that's obviously not Jason David Frank.
- This brings the legendary saga of the evil Green Ranger to an end, but it's just the beginning of Tommy's legacy.