Something Fishy
Airdate: February 09, 1994
Jason, Trini and Zack are going scuba diving, Bulk and Skull are fishing. |
Bulk finds a can of worms for bait out of the trash in his locker. |
Jason is a diving instructor. Billy and Kimberly are going to a picnic. |
The Rangers do an equipment check to go S.C.U.B.A. diving. |
Billy and Kimberly's picnic at the park, Billy explains he was bit by a fish as a kid. |
Kimberly laughs, Billy tells her it was actually traumatic, it is difficult being around fish. |
They run over to Bulk and Skull screaming as they fish... for a 'no fishing' sign. |
After picking up junk, the duo actually fish themselves into the water. |
Billy and Kimberly get attacked by Putties before they visit the others. |
Kimberly calls the others but there is no answer. Billy gets his lunchbag and puts it on a putty's head. |
The Putties disappear and the two teleport to the Command Center. |
Zordon says that Rita released the Goo Fish at the beach. |
Billy and Kim morph and fight Putties at the beach. Goo Fish rises from the water. |
Jason, Trini and Zack continue scuba diving. |
Rita casts a spell to make Billy's fear unbearable. |
The Blue Ranger hides behind Pink Ranger. |
The trio come out of the water and get called by Zordon. |
The trio morphs and Jason blasts Goo Fish back in the water. They check on Billy. |
The five teleport back to the Command Center. Billy says its his fault. |
Zordon tells Billy to face his fear, the spell will be lifted. Billy says he can't. |
The Rangers morph and fight Goo Fish and Putties. |
Goo Fish targets Bily, Jason helps but is knocked down. |
Red, Yellow and Black get covered in goo, it gets them stuck. |
Kim throws an arrow at the foe and starfish are thrown at her. |
The four are down. Billy fights his fear. He spins around the foe. |
Goo is spread on top of the foe. Billy stabs it down with his lance. |
The Rangers regroup. Rita makes the monster grow. Megazord is formed. |
Goo Fish and the Megazord battle it out. They break his staff. |
He spits goo on their feet, sticking them to the ground. |
Goo Fish blasts at them with his eyes and the Megazord falls down. |
Zack has an idea to convert the goo into energy with 'Morphin Power.' |
Megazord stands up. Rita says uhoh. Megazord destroys Goo Fish. |
They congratulate Billy for conquering his fear. |
Billy and Ernie return from fishing. Jason offers scuba diving, Billy says yes. |
Bulk and Skull arrive with the 'king of the sea'... tuna. |
Bulk sticks his face in Billy's bag and gets a lobster on his nose. |
Comments: |
- Billy said he found a spot for the picnic away from the water but it was right next to the water.