Rise Of The Super Demons
Airdate: November 16, 2000
Ms. Fairweather and the Rangers test out the new Lifeforce technology. |
Olympius and Diabolico meet in the woods, and battle it out. |
Olympius prevails, and brings Diabolico back to the Queen, who turns him into a mindless slave. |
Olympius and his new pet take to the streets of Mariner Bay to face the Power Rangers. |
The Rangers go all out in a knock down, drag out battle. Both Mega Battle Armors are summoned. |
Carter also uses the Trans Armor Cycle, but nothing seems to help them out that much. |
Carters reminds Diabolico of Bansheera's betrayal, and Loki's death. Diabolico regains control of his mind. |
He goes after Olympius, and the two battle once again. Olympius overpowers Diabolico. |
Just beforehe gets the finishing move from Olympius, Diabolico gives Carter the golden key. |
The Rangers all don their armor, and give Olympius all they've got in one super charged blast. |
The blast takes Olympius down, but he is recharged and enlarged by the Queen, along with Diabolico. |
Chad pilots the Omega Megazord and fights Diabolico, who is once again under the Queen's control. |
Joel takes on Olympiusin the Supertrain Megazord. Neither Megazord stands a chance, and they are both defeated. |
The only Zord left is the Lightspeed Solarzord, piloted by Carter, and it is destroyed by a double team from the demons. |
Just when all seems hopeless, the girls arrive with the LifeforceMegazord, which is basically a black Lightspeed Solarzord. All Rangers board. |
The teams risks their own life energy by feeding it to the Lifeforce Megazord. It gives them enough of a boost to destroy both demons. |
The golden key flies to the demon tomb in the desert, and becomes a symbol in the stone, beside some Bansheera related symbols. |
Jinxer reveals to the Queen that he attached a magic card to the Lifeforce Megazord. The Queen plots to use it to attack the Aquabase. |
Comments: |
- Zord destruction mania! Looks like we have seen the last of the Supertrain Megazord, Omega Megazord, Lightspeed Megazord, and Max Solarzord.
- What is up with the Lifeforce Megazord, it is just a repainted Lightspeed Solarzord.
- That was a great attack, when both Mega Battle Armors, and the Trans Armor were used.