Darkness Awakening
Airdate: February 09, 2002
Cole and the Red Lion sit on a cliff, chatting about the latest gossip. |
A Barb Wire Org surfaces, and begins crushing things with barbed tentacles. |
Jindrax and Toxica travel deep into the ground, and find the old Org temple. |
The granddaddy of all Orgs walks in. Master Org has returned, and he's ready to rock. |
The Rangers go to the city to fight the new Org.Cole wants to reason with it, while Taylor wants to kick butt. |
An army of soldiers welcomes the Rangers. Enter the Putrids. |
Cole goes with his plan, and tries to reason with Barb Wire Org. |
That didn't work. Time for plan B - kick butt! |
Taylor takes to the skies and knocks out some Putrids. |
The Rangers destroy the Org with the Jungle Sword. |
Toxica resurrects him as a giant. |
The Wild Zords descend. |
The Red Lion tells Cole that they need to combine into the Wild Force Megazord. The team joins sabers. |
The Power Animals come together, and the Wild Force Megazord is formed. |
He makes a ferocious face to show that he means business. |
Then he finishes off the monster with the Mega Roar attack. |
Even though he lost, Master Org is still in a good mood, and thinks of more plans to destroy the world. |
Back atthe Animarium, the Rangers give Cole a surprise- a bath and a haircut. Lose the headband dude. |
Comments: |
- Master Org ... ugh.
- Nice finishing move - the Care Bear stare.
- Cole poses a good question. Why exactly are the Orgs attacking? Hopefully we will see some kind of motivation for their attacks on the city.