Wishes On The Water

Wishes On The Water
Airdate: March 09, 2002

Alyssa reads a story to Danny and Max about making wishes in the lake.   Toxica inadvertantly witnesses a most disturbing sight - Master Org is adjusting his horn!

Max decides to test the legend for himself, and throws his own wish in a bottle into the lake.   Toxica tells Jindrax what she saw earlier. Orgs can't move their horns, so what's with Master Org?

Ship Org arises from the lake. ToMax's surprise, his bottle is lodged in Ship Org's shoulder!   The Rangershead down to the docks to fight the new Org.

Max desperately wants his bottle back, so he tackles Ship Org into the lake.   Ship Org knocks him out, but Max is saved by a mysterious creature.

The next morning, the Rangers find Max washed ashore. They take him back to the Animarium to recover.   Max awakens, and tells Shayla of a strange vision he had. Hegets up and leaves to find the Org again.

He once again fights Ship Org. His Fighting Fins can't get through Ship Org's massive shield.   The others catch up and join Max.

An army of Putrids joins Ship Org.   But the dolt atacks the Putrids as well as the Rangers.

Max comes up with a plan to get past Ship Org's shield. He climbs a crane and gets the drop on the Org.   Then the Rangers form the Jungle Sword and take him down.

Toxica revives him as a giant. The Rangers summon the Wild Force Megazord.   Ewith the Elephantsword and shield, they cant break through Ship Org's shield.

As the Rangers take a beating, Max's vision becomes true. A crystal appears before him.   He uses it to summon the Giraffe - Zord of the ancient warrior Pardolis.

The Giraffe becomes an arm for the Megazord, replacing the Shark.   The spear has no trouble piercing a hole straight throughip Ship Org.

Max gives it another go and tosses in the wish again. His wish is for the Rangers to stop treating him like a kid.   Back at the Animarium, Max clowns around as the Rangers congratulate him on saving the day.

  • How could any reasonable, intelligent person believe that wishes could be granted by throwing them into a lake?
  • Could Master Org not be a real Org?