The Lone Wolf
Airdate: May 18, 2002
The Rangers find Merrick, and ask him to join the team. He refuses, unable to forgive himself for his actions. |
He meets up with Toxica and Jindrax later on, and offers to join them. |
Master Org himself shows up, along with Nayzor, to see if Merrick is for real in his offer. |
Merrick attacks Master Org with a dagger, but he is quickly put in his place. |
Master Org uses the stolen Animal Crystals to give form to an Org spirit. |
Quadra Org is born, and attacks Merrick. |
The powerless warrior is no match for the new Org. |
The Rangers arrive, and morph to help their buddy out. |
They hit him with the Jungle Sword, but Quadra Org deflects it. |
He then ties them up in his tentacles. |
Merrick gets up, and bravely attacks Quadra Org, but he gets beaten up. |
As things get worse, his Animal Crystals return to him, and endow him with the Lunar Caller. |
He uses it to morph into the Lunar Wolf Ranger, and prepares to kick butt. |
He racks up his crystals, and zaps Quadra Org with some laser pool. |
The fallen Org is revived and turned into a giant. |
Merrick calls on his Zords and forms the Predazord, now with a good face. |
The Rangers call on the Wild Force Megazord Striker mode to help out. |
Thetwo Megazords join fists and deliver a mega sized blast. |
Then the Predazord finishes Quadra Org with his staff. |
Merrick then rushes down before Nayzor can split, and destroys him. |
Toxica and Jindrax gasp at the last remnant of the General Org - his smoldering crown. |
Merrick returns the Animal Crystals to the Rangers. They once again offer him a place on the team, but he walks away. |