Shane's Karma, Part 1
Airdate: August 09, 2003
Shane bails on Tori's beach birthday party because he gets a feeling that his bad dreams mean something. |
His strange dreams turn into reality when he finds a strange alien being in the woods. |
A bounty hunter named Vexacus shows up in search of the alien, which is a Karminion. |
Shane battles Vexacus but is severely outclassed. He is teleported away by the Karminion. |
In another part of the woods, Shane is greeted by the Karminion's human form, named Skyla. |
Tori's beach party runs into Kapri and Marah's class reunion setup. |
Zurgane brings out his new Zord, and gets the best of the Rangers using his own lightning mode. |
Meanwhile, Vexacus catches up to Shane and Skyla, and manages to grab her and take her away. |