The Power Rangers Want You with Sky Tate
The Power Rangers Want You with Sky Tate
Airdate: September 06, 2005
Commander Anubis Doggie Cruger introduces potential cadets to the S.P.D. Academy. |
The Space Patrol Delta (S.P.D.) Academy has been established to protect Earth. |
The S.P.D. Earth department is faced with the current invasion of the Troobian Empire. |
To defend the Earth are the front runners of the S.P.D. Academy - the Power Rangers. |
Commander Cruger established the S.P.D. Academy on Earth over ten years ago. |
Cruger and the S.P.D. Academy are looking for brave cadets to join the S.P.D. Academy. |
Sky Tate introduces himself. |
Sky explains that it takes hard work and determination to be a Power Ranger. |
He admits that being a Power Ranger gives you the chance to use some pretty cool gear. |
As the Blue Power Ranger, Sky is a member of a team. |
Dr. Kat Manx introduces herself and her top of the line labratory. |
Dr. Manx has created the Delta Runners giant robot assault vehicles called Zords. |
Kat is responsible for creating the latest weapons and technology for S.P.D. cadets and Power Rangers. |
She explains the properties of the Delta Morpher, which gives a cadet the ability to transform into a Power Ranger. |
The Delta Morpher is also capable of judging criminals to find out whether they're guilty or innocent. |
If a criminal is guilty, the Delta Morpher can secure them in a containment card for easy transportation. |
The Delta Morphers can also control the Delta Runners. Delta Runner 2 is jetplane capable of ultrasonic flight speed. It is piloted by the Blue Ranger. |
Kat explains that her home planet fell under Troobian attack. |
Sky shows off the common room where the S.P.D. cadets spend their downtime. It has video games and televison for entertainment. |
Sky also explains that it's a perfect place to just spend time getting to know your friends at the academy. |
Sky shows that the room is equipped with a food synthesizer that is capable of creating any kind of food. |
The synthesizer digitally creates nuetriants through regenerated matter. |
He explains that it might be tempting to synthesize junk food all the time, but part of being a Power Ranger is being disciplined and in perfect health. |
Sky finishes off the tour by showing their living quarters and since they share a room, it gives them a chance to get to know their fellow Power Ranger. |
Commander Cruger explains that it takes more than special weapons and technology to be a Power Ranger, but also hard work and determination. |
The S.P.D. Academy is looking for hard working and determined cadets to take up the challenge of assisting the Power Rangers in the fight against evil. The Power Rangers Want You! |
Comments: |
- This segment was released as an exclusive on the Power Rangers S.P.D. DVD - Volume 3: Wired.
- This video makes reference to Sky's healthy lifestyle that was mentioned in early casting info.
- Sky actually explains the details of the common room, which the Rangers often appear in throughout the series. It'd be nice if we got to see more of their recreational activities.
- The synthesizer technology must have came from K0-35 since it was present aboard the Astro Megaship in Power Rangers in Space.
- Although it isn't shown, the Rangers also have a holographic video game in the common room, which appeared in "Stakeout", which is ironically the name of the previous DVD.