
Redbot Redbot
Redbot is a good friend to Brody he met on the Galaxy Warriors ship. He always reassures him when he is in doubt and is always prepared to help him when he is in trouble. It was discovered he wrote a blog about his adventures with the Rangers but fibbed a lot. A publisher made a book of his stories but when it was discovered they weren't true, he wasn't so popular anymore. Redbot discovered it was better to tell the truth.

Victor Vincent Victor Vincent
Victor Vincent is an athletic achiever with a rather brazen and obnoxious attitude. Though popular, not everyone likes him. He does appear to hold sway over certain members of the student body, such as Monty, who acts as his right hand and even does his homework for him. He and Monty audition for a show that ends up being Galaxy Warriors. They are forced to entertain until the Rangers recruit them to save the citizens. Victor then gains his 50th award.

Monty Monty
Monty is your stereotypical nerd, as seen by him constantly being forced by Victor to do whatever he wants. He admires and adores Victor. He does have a tendency to blurt out things he shouldn't. Monty acts like a right-hand man to Victor, but is actually the brains of the duo. They are forced to entertain until the Rangers recruit them to save the citizens.

Principal Hastings Principal Hastings
Principal Hastings is a school principal of Summer Cove High School where the Ninja Steel Rangers attend. She is a strict but fair school principal.

Mrs. Finch Mrs. Finch
Mrs. Finch taught as a math and home economics teacher at Summer Cove High School. She is fair and caring. When Sarah thought the first part of a test was easy and didn't study for the second part and didn't do well, Mrs. Finch gently told her she should always study and be prepared.

Princess Viera Princess Viera
She is the princess of the oppressive Lion Galaxy and the new ruler. Due to her upbringing, Viera is under the impression that strength is more important and to crush your enemies at any chance. Although deep down, she had a feeling this wasn't true. It was through the kindness of Sarah that Viera confirmed this. She was saved by Sarah and swayed that thinking and feeling was better. She bestowed the Rangers with the Fire Lion Armor and Fire Lionzord.

Tom Tom
Levi's Music Manager.

Sandy Sandy
Sandy is a new student at Summer Cove High School that befriends Preston and later goes with him to the Valentine's Day Dance.

Emma Harris Emma Harris
Emma Harris is a computer whiz at Summer Cover High School that befriends Brody when he starts teaching her martial arts. She later helps the Ninja Steel Rangers debug a computer virus planted in their weapons by Typeface.

Mrs. Bell Mrs. Bell
Mrs. Bell is a school secretary at Summer Cove High School.

Mr. Lunt Mr. Lunt
Mr. Lunt is the drama teacher at Summer Cove High School.

Clint Clint
Clint is the school security guard at Summer Cove High School.

Mary Masters Mary Masters
Mary Masters is a girl who is Levi Weston's biggest fan and the winner of a costume contest that earned her a backstage pass.

Mayor of Summer Cove Mayor of Summer Cove
The Mayor of Summer Cove is shown to be at many events held in Summer Cove including a race at Lake Sunshine.

Marcus Tien Marcus Tien
Marcus Tien is the father of Preston Tien and a known businessman in Summer Cove.

Jackie Thompson Jackie Thompson
Jackie Thompson is Sarah's mother. Jackie is a brilliant inventor.

Aaron Foster Aaron Foster
Aaron Foster is Hayley's father. He is a marine biologist who created a drone called Custom Net Cannon that later becomes the Sub Surfer Zord. Aaron starts dating Jackie Thompson after she helps him fix his Custom Net Cannon.

Mr. & Mrs. Kanic Mr. & Mrs. Kanic
Mister Kanic & Mrs.Kanic are the parents of Mick Kanic from the Lion Galaxy that are able to communicate with their son after twenty years thanks to Princess Viera.

Santa Claus Santa Claus
Santa Claus travels to Summer Cove High School to assist Sarah in retrieving the Ninja Power Stars in the past in order to defeat Cleocatra. Santa Claus later helps the Ninja Steel Rangers escape the Warrior Dome after they are brought there by Sledge.