High Octane Megazord
When the Series Operators Rangers Red, Blue, and Yellow combine their Eagle Racer, Lion Hauler and Bear Crawler to bring the High Octane Megazord to full operation. Their main weapon the Super Saber comes out from one of the Lion Hauler's legs. They use the Bear Crawler's chassis as a shield. |
High Octane Megazord with Tail Spinner
Series Operator Ranger Green can accompany the other three Rangers by replacing the Megazord's left arm with his Series Green zord. They use the Tail Spinner attack to finish off a foe. |
High Octane Megazord with Wolf Cruiser
Series Operator Ranger Black can assist the main three rangers by becoming the Megazord's right arm with the Series Black zord. It has rapid-release laser shooter that works in a blaze. |
High Octane Megazord with Falcon Zord and Tiger Jet
Series Operator Rangers Gold and Silver can merge with High Octane Megazord to assist the main three Rangers by combining with Falcon Captor and Tiger Jet. It can conduct an bow and arrow finisher. |