
Samurai Battlewing
The Samurai Battlewing is formed when the Rangers write the kanji for unite to make the Beetlezord, Swordfishzord and Tigerzord combine. Kevin, Mike and Jayden pilot it. Its attacks are the Vortex Spin and Charging Slash. |
Battlewing Megazord
The Battlewing Megazord is formed when the Rangers write the kanji for unite to make the Samurai Megazord and Samurai Battlewing combine into an eight-part Megazord. It is flight-capable and armed with the Samurai Megazord's katana, which it uses for its Flying Slash. |
Samurai Battle Cannon
The Samurai Battle Cannon is the combination of the Beetlezord, Swordfishzord, Tigerzord and Octozord. It takes a lot of symbol power to use it, and the Samurai Rangers can only use it once. It attacks with the Battle Cannon Blast. A more powerful version, Shogun Cannon Blast, is used when a Ranger is in Shogun Mode. |